A cheap and easy way to integrate authentication + payment membership solution
A cheap and easy way to integrate authentication + payment membership solution
At a glance
The community member is looking for an easy way to integrate authentication and payment membership solutions, as they find Firebase, Supabase with Stripe to require too much code. They are considering using a third-party tool that can handle the heavy lifting and integrate with Webstudio.
In the comments, another community member asks if the original poster made any progress and what lessons they learned. The original poster responds that they got authentication working on its own, but struggled to set up gated content based on payment status.
Another community member is also implementing authentication and inquires about the use case for payment or subscription status. They suggest that managing this through user profiles could also work, where different subscription plans (1, 2, 3) are associated with users and content is hidden or unhidden based on the user's subscription level.
Currently looking for ways to easily integrate authentication + payment membership solution. Firebase, Supabase with Stripe need a bit too much code for me. Maybe another third-party tool to do the heavy lifting that Webstudio can facilitate the integration, idk.
@viniciusmoreira.me - okay, I am implementing the auth right now... but will check out the subscription payment thing as well... Can you explain the usecase for the payment or subscription status? Because if this were managed via the user profiles it should work as well... So plan 1, 2, 3 associated to a users, which would be validated via a separate process and then you hide/unhide content based on user profile subscription (1, 2 or 3)....