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Updated 2 months ago

Ability to read all the property name

At a glance
Hi Webstudio team!

Do you think it would be possible to have all the name of the property? In my example, I've a got data attribute which is name data-id but I cannot read all the name. Not really easy to debug because I have to check if it's correct.

I know I can go to inspector > console to check but it's not straightforward.

Suggestion n°2 (not important right now) : would be nice to have the ability to change de property name without to delete it.

thanks a lot! 🙂
Another question : why the property naming is "Data Id" while I wrote "data-id"? Why did you choose this naming convention? Thanks
We generally have all labels this way, style panel too.
In cases like attributes it doesn't look great, still thinking what to do about it. Consistency vs expectations
Def. Agree with you this looks bad for an attribute
if you type data-client-id in attributes and you've got "Data Client Id" at the end it could lead to a wrong reading (specially for beginner or for debugging). At the end all is working so it's not prio, but I think for reading it could be better to have attributes write the same way you've got when you inspect the code.
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