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Updated 4 weeks ago

Ability to style the hover and focus states of "Select Item" elements

The Radix Select Item elements (Select > Select Content > Select Viewport > Select Item) have default hover and focus styling in the browser. They get a very light grey background colour when you hover over them or change focus to them with the keyboard. However, I can't see any way to change this style in the Webstudio style panel. See screenshot below - the dropdown menu on the "Local" tag doesn't display any additional states you can style.

I'd like to be able to style the different states of these elements, the same way you can with buttons or links.
1 comment
For the basic states like hover you should probably add a Text inside the Select Item and style on it

Radix select has also checked/unchecked/highlighted/disabled

@Ivan Starkov do you remember why we didn't add those?
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