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Updated 12 months ago

Add a custom element

At a glance

The community members discussed the idea of having a custom element feature similar to Webflow, which would allow adding any HTML tag or attribute. Some community members noted that this could be achieved using HTML components or custom React components. The discussion also touched on the differences between Webflow's "custom element" and actual HTML custom elements.

The community members expressed interest in supporting custom elements in the future, and mentioned plans to enable an "app-store" where users could publish and install custom packages. They also discussed the possibility of allowing users to choose any HTML tag and attribute, and providing autocompletion and assistance for this feature.

While there was no explicitly marked answer, the community members seemed open to implementing this feature and were discussing the technical details and potential use cases.

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I'll be nice if we have a custom element like from Webflow that gives us the possibility to add any type of html tag or attributes
I don't know webflow, but you can use a html component and add whatever you like there.
We do have plans to support custom element in the future
fyi what webflow calls custom element has nothing to do with html custom elements, its just that they allow to choose any tag, it is basically "An any element"
we can add this in minutes if this is a big improvement
@Matheus I would love to learn about your use case for it, specifically what were you wanting to do with it?
custom react component will be very powerful
that's what this is about
we want to enable app-store where people can publish completely custom packages, install stuff from registry like npm etc
With this "custom element" is possible to add easily range sliders for forms, marquee texts, tables.
In the following video we can see a tiny example of Webflow custom element working:
OMG this is such a good point. In fact it has nothing to do with custom element, its just that ability to choose the type tag on input
Element too for example for native дetails/summary
Its just a regular input, but the fact that we communicate it as text input just because of the icons/purpose to make it intentional
since in html everything is an input
We could allow changing type on the text input right now to turn it into any input
or we could just let user have that "any element" and choose any tag and any attribute
but its indeed a such missed opportunity to not let user use all those input types and other elements
we can do better than just typing the type and value, we can assist with autocompletion, since we already have all the data about everry html attribute and value
just tested, webflow allows creating elements with names like for custom elements e.g. "test-element"
this combined with customElements.define("my-custom-element", MyCustomElement);
allows users to actually register custom elements
so the point of custom element in webflow is to enable adding it from the panel and style it
We can infer stuff for builtin elements anд allow custom attributes/properties for custom elements
true, currently we need to know the tag upfront to have the list, so for this we would need to be able to conditionally get that stuff, that's harder
wait a second, regarding inputs, we do have a select for these types
and we can add all others
adding a bunch of types now, including range
@Alex candidate for a little video after we release this so people are aware this is actually there?
i had no clue that was there. Love it.
@Oleg Isonen is there anyway to make the calendar an individual component that could be used for applications in the future?
Do you mean native one? Any issue with using text input?
@TrySound was thinking more along the lines of assigning tasks to a calendar view
similar to how project manager applications allow you to do
Ah, that would be very complex component. There is react-big-calendar package for this. We most likely will leave it for user integrations in the future.
got it. once we have ability to create our own components the possibilities will be limitless
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