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Updated last year

Add gitbook docs link to this menu

At a glance

The community members are discussing migrating the "University" articles from the blog to the documentation section of the website. They agree that the documentation should be more structured, searchable, and open to community contributions, while the blog should be reserved for longer-form and optional content. Some community members offer to help with the migration process, and they mention using the gitbook repository and the edit button on the website to make changes. Overall, the community members are in agreement about the need to reorganize the content and make the documentation more accessible.

Useful resources
Since the gitbook documentation is getting more populated and robust, it might be handy to link users to it directly from this menu as well.
yes, we should probably migrate all the university articles to docs and replace that link from blog to docs.

@Alex there are a few more articles, right? and we could switch over
@Jeremy technically if you wanted you could help us migrate those
Sure, I can help with the gitbook repo.
have you seen the edit button?
Yes, but I cloned the repo and made PRs to there before. I haven't ever used the edit button before.
yeah that's also possible, just wanted to make sure you know how to create a change
we are keeping the Blog section in the blog, and moving all University articles to the docs
To make sure I follow... you mean that on this page ( the "<h1>university</h1>" section, will get copied onto here (
exactly, some articles in components category some somewhere else
basically university is now docs
fundamentally I think knowledge should be bit-sized and searchable and community should be able to contribute, blog is not the right place
blog is going to stay there for longer form reads and for things that are more optional and more about overall topic than practical lessons
university is about practical stuff
Yeah, and having all the documentation within the same location is the way to go.

I'll see what I can help with.
All of these blog/university items are added to the webstudio-community. I didn't have to add much, the vast majority are already on the site. I added missing images from the blogs and slight formatting.
Agree to everything that's been said here 100%
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