The community members discuss the idea of allowing CSS tokens to grab their values from a resource origin, similar to how the class attribute can. They provide use cases, such as displaying logos and status indicators, where this feature could be useful. The discussion also mentions potential future solutions like style variants and CSS conditionals, including the @container feature. While there is no explicitly marked answer, the community members seem to be exploring and evaluating different approaches to address the original idea.
1) A product that in the backend has an array of shops where its found: The array is returned with name and slug of shop. Right now using a collection it could use an element to display the logo by using the slug as a class name and that class name would contain the css for the ovewrall logo style and the background image of tat specific shop, while right now i could place the class name It would require creating the css for that class. A token would be able to handle the logos (especially if they are used somewhere else)
2) You have data rows, and maybe you have a status column, you want to display that status. Right now that status can become a warning, danger, confirm class (like bootstrap classes) to format the row itself the way you need, importing something like bootstrap wpuld take care of this issue since it would handle the classes... but thats a lot of extra if maybe you ar ejust unsing that