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Updated 12 months ago

Application error

At a glance

The post is about an "Application Error", and the comments discuss how to filter and display images in a collection. Community members suggest using expressions like Collection Item.orderBy == 0 to show only the first image, or Collection Item.orderBy < 2 to show the first two images. They also discuss the need for resources and examples to help non-coders understand these expressions.

The comments also mention that they have gotten the filtering to work, but are still struggling with some issues like not being able to filter the gallery images and the order by not populating correctly. They share a video link and eventually realize that they can use a simpler approach by binding directly to the gallery images collection.

Overall, the community members are working together to find solutions to display images in a collection and make the process more accessible for non-coders.

Useful resources
Application Error
so you can go to show property of the product item and write an expression on it: Collection Item.orderBy == 0
this way you will only show the 0th image
or Collection Item.orderBy < 2 if you wanted the first 2
and in the admin interface of te product convention would be the first image always goes to the overview
apprciate the help on this
i think having resource that shows examples for collections expressions would be great
this is actually the details why we need to have either a template or components for complex systems like this, so people don't have to figure this out from scratch
I'll put it on my project manager to have a simple project others can view that shows a number of real world examples and maybe that will be helpful
but still I think expressions are something that no-coders will have problems with regardles
unless there's a way to visually make it simple
this is also why we are limiting them to very simple things
once we have a doc, it will be relatively simple one
not a full js reference
right now its basic comparisons
we need to write up a bunch of examples in a simple language
yes, that would be helpful
so i assume "resource" will be hidden if it's a nested collection
probably, because it just beggs for problems
BTW, I got this working now
filter the fetched items only thing missing
you got how to filter the displayed gallery items?
so basically i just need to do one to get main image and then seperate collection to get the galllery items
no i couldn't filter the gallery images
order by doesn't seem to populate
okay i'm dumb as fuck
you want to do that on the Gallery Image instance that is rendered inside of gallery images collection
dont even need the 2nd collection
you could do that yes
you mentioned the need for 2 so I thought a collection would be fit, but even for 2 you can just use those
really simple actually
ya i just watched this video
9i had no idea that you could bind to showl
never even crossed my mind
we are making sure you can bind everything
literally everything
all instance settings, all page settings, next up everything in style panel
i overcomplicated this entire thing
you could let your store decide on any css
because i was just ignorant
I think you didn't see the data properly
its a problem with observability
we need a better way to show what comes back
i think because it's just a quick click to use that option you never see the plus icon appear
only thing missing to make this ecommerce site working would be dynamic pages
same as that some people don't know every property in style panel has a tooltip
well, filtering too but I have a way I'm going to make that work
for now, i'm going to use slug from the products API to generate the permalinks and then just create individual product pages for each product, not ideal but it'll work and I can use slots in the product details page to make it so each page is literally a template
ya so sheet component doesn't seem to work within collections
it opens them all
performance is also amazing
it's crazy how well you guys have optimized this
the tree elements translates exactly to what you see in the dom
most drag and drop builders add all sorts of bullshit
i wont mess with this
so sheet dialog got messed up?
so the idea with using sheets was to have a quick view button that once clicked, it would bring up quickview of product
hmm, yeah need to check out what happened
k, i'm not touching it again
my wife is yelling at me
i'm not suppose to be doing anything on computer right now
commander in chief has orders
Hey, now that dynamic pages are available, have you created an online shop?
I´m wondering how I could possibly make something like this with webstudio
No can't do it until actions are implemented
Because with how react works you can't use vanilla JavaScript to perform actions with buttons and things like that you would need for cart functionality.
But you could create the views and be ready for when they are
Have you tried workarounds?
Like Snipcart or similar?
I haven't had much time recently due to some personal matters that popped up in my life. However, I'd be interested in learning if there were any workarounds. However, I think it's probably best to wait for the team to build out the correct functionality before exploring a lot of wasted time with work arounds. Interested to hear what your thoughts are in regards to the workarounds tho.
snipcart looks like medusa js... probably exactly what it is
Why exactly doesn’t medusajs work with webstudio? Or are just some features unavailable?
I haven't tried, generally current limitation is can't do requests composition with Resource UI, meaning if request 1 needs to be executed then some value taken then request 2 executed and all of this via Resource UI. You can do all that in custom code on the client though.
If fetching products information all possible with one Resource request then you have no issues with SSR and anyhting else can be done on the client with custom js
honestly, I haven't looked at medusa since I posted this and ended up going with big commerce and recently switched over to shopify.
shopify makes sense as long as you are small, others who don't take a cut probably make sense as you grow bigger and that cut becomes a problem
it is a difficult decision though, because it will be difficult to switch a mature shop
Just hard to find an ecommerce platform that isn't nickle and diming their customers
i just don't have the time to be tinkering around with tech at the moment. I gotta get everything setup and figure out some processes. Once i get money flowing I'll be able to step back and figure out what is the best option moving forward for this business venture.
big commerce has lot of things I don't like and haven't found an eocmmerce platform that I've tested that has everything I would like out of the box without requiring some kind of customization for it to work how I'd like it to.
I found a list of headless ecom providers: most are opensource:
I actually already contacted some of them and asked if they could make an integration to webstudio.
Hope this is okay @Oleg Isonen
@Dirky Dirk, can you share your site? I’m curious what you managed to build 😬
I haven't built much of anything. I'm still in early phase of business, currently working on getting my building finalized for my inventory warehouse. Once that's done, I'll be 100% comitted to getting my shop up and running.
let us know how it goes.
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