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Updated 7 months ago

Appsumo and lifetime pro

At a glance
The post is about a community member who purchased a lifetime pro plan for Webstudio through AppSumo, but is now seeing an "upgrade to pro" message on their dashboard. The comments indicate that this is likely due to the community member having multiple accounts, and the community members work with the Webstudio team to resolve the issue. The Webstudio team helps the community members connect their purchase to the correct account. There is also a discussion about a Webstudio Essentials course that was previously promoted, but the Webstudio team advises the community member to respond to promotions in the timeline they are offered. The Webstudio team also confirms they have no plans to return to AppSumo.
Useful resources
Hi, I bought via appsumo earlier this year and it mentioned that I would have lifetime pro, but looking under my avatar on the dashboard page it says "upgrade to pro". Does this mean I have a different pro or not pro?
yeah, you most likely have multiple accounts, what's your email you used to purchase and which did you use to login? can dm me if you want
@Oleg Isonen I am experiencing the same issue
Send me your email. Will check tomorrow
Please help I have the same issue
your account is activated this is the same email you need to log in with
Hello Oleg, thank you for the fast response. I should have explained better but I have no issues logging in under my account my issue is that I dont see that it shows the Tier 4 Plan I purchased w/ appsumo. The interface looks new 3.0
Is this new 3.0 included in the Tier 4 Appsumo deal? Also is there a way to switch to the old interface? I can send you my Appsumo receipt if need be but this is the third time Im having to do this. Please confirm that I have the same tier 4 plan in this new 3.0 as I did with the old interface. Thank you. BTW this is what Im seeing on the dashboard:

Again, thank you for taking the time to assist me.
you need to tell me what email you used to purchased
your account you named isn't connected to a purchase
actually on a second check - right now I see that it is
wtf is this screenshot lol? this is not our product
you signed up on - a cheap webstudio clone, built for blockchain
@Oleg Isonen Ah!!!!!!! Yes, you're right. TBH I havent used Webstudio since I purchased on AS. I was going to start using it yesterday and accidentally went to the knockoff site by mistake. My bad!
I did go to the correct one now and do see my account is still intact, Thank God
Sorry for the confusion @Oleg Isonen .
One last thing, in searching through my email trying to find the Web studio stuff, I came across an email with a promo for this course: Do we have access to this? Or is there some some of a code I can enter to get this deal?> It looks like a good course and Im such a noob at this
Please react to promotions in the timeline they are offered.
Its been long time ago.
ok will do Thank you. And if you know of any other type of training course for web studio that you recommend, please let me know. Much appreciated. Have an amazing rest of the day and thanks again for the quick response.
thank you and stay tuned for the next one.
Hi! I also have this problem. I purchased Webstudio this past April, but as I logged into it using GitHub, it says that I need to upgrade to pro. I can send my licence key and my email if this helps. Thanks!
what's your email on the dashboard and which one did you use to purchase / activation?
like everyone else in this thread you used 2 different emails
I used the same email, I logged using Github as this isn't a gmail email 😐 Thanks!
yeah you have 2 accounts, is used for purchase and has an account as well
and now you decided to use google sign in
I'm sorry... this really confused me
What should I do?
well your purchased account is connected with your github sign in
you should stop using 2 different accounts
can you delete my other account? or how can I access it to delete it?
which one do you want to delete, the github account?
I want to keep the github - account
reload dashboard
I didn't delete any accounts, I reconnected your purchase with that account you want to use
Thanks so much! 😊
Hello, I purchased Webstudio Agency version through RocketHub. I activated it as specified and logged in before without any issues. I just logged in after a few months again and see an upgrade to pro all over. Can you check to see why it's all of a sudden telling me to upgrade when future updates were supposed to be included with that Lifetime deal purchase? email: I can provide order number as well if necessary. Thanks.
As usual, you are using wrong email account
not sure if you were replying to me or not with the "you are using wrong email account". but if you are, then I'm confused. I signed up on Rockethub with the email I mentioned, and I typically sign up with this one for all my applications. I even get all my webstudio emails from you guys to that email address. I checked all my other emails I use for any mentiones of webstudio and there aren't any. Could you maybe contact me directly to let me know how I can log in to the lifetime deal I purchased so I don't see the Upgrade to Pro option.
Speaking of AS. any plans to back for last call ?
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