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Updated 6 months ago

Background videos

At a glance

The post asks if Vimeo is the only platform that can be used to upload videos as a background. The comments suggest that any platform can be used, but it requires configuring the third-party script and positioning the container as a background using absolute positioning. One community member mentions that they have a video about this on YouTube. Another community member states that they will just upload something to Vimeo for now, as speed is the priority for their proof of concept.

Can I only upload vimeo videos as a background?
You can do the same thing with any platform, but needs configuring the 3rd party script, read their docs, then position the container as a background same way via position absolute, we have a video about it somewhere on YT
Gotcha, it's all about speed for proof of concept at the moment so I'll just upload something to vimeo.
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