Are you trying to sell a website you already made or are you trying to sell your services building a webstudio site for a customer?
I am interested by both answers.
I will be face to both situations.
Webstudio hosting is only for web development or is for customers too ?
I can't figure out how to bill my customer for service and hosting.
For a e-commerce website, Webstudio will very expensive if a have to pay 20$/month for +100k views pages
For 2,000,000 views, I calculated that it would cost $4800 per year, right?
And I don’t include Hygraph or Baserow price. So I can I sell my service
how did you calculate that?
ah 4800 per year - yes sounds about right
If I want 2,000,000 views, 240$ per year for pro subscription + 20$ per month for +100k views
this is not expensive at all
I think you don't know what 2 million views is
its massive amount of traffic, if you have this much, you are probably making more than tens of thauthands $ per month, maybe hundreds of thouthands
if 1% of your visitors buys something, its 20000 purches per month from 2mio views
Ok I thought about clothes or supplements website
whats a typical conversion range in this type of ecomerce website? I took 1% but really I don't know
So how can I sell my service with webstudio
1% is a low conversion rate.
With good landing page you reach 3 to 5% purchase
CTR is just clicks, I mean purchases conversion
Once the website is built how is the owner? How can I transfert the property ?
I dont understand how to sell my service
share the site with admin permission and let them clone it if you want their account to own it or create the project using their account from the beginning if that's an option
A specific hand-off UI will be probably built in 2025
Right now hand-off is just via sharing and cloning
So they create their own account on webstudio, right ?
Cloning a website is it equivalent to an affiliate link ?
You are confusing me. If you want someone else to have owner right to the project, they would clone it via your link and have it in their account. This would be a hand-off. You built it and gave it to them after they paid.
You can also keep the site under your account and charge them whatever you want as a retainer for managing their site.
No I am sorry if I am not clear
Could you explain me for this two situations
sell a website I already made
try to sell your services building a webstudio site for a customer
I don’t understand how can I charge hosting to my customer, I don’t know how page views they did
set up some analytics, we have a bunch of simple once recomended in #︳tools
If there any information about
sell a website I already made
try to sell your services building a webstudio site for a customer
We are providing a platform, this is probably something you want to read on in general, not specific to any platform
You could sell more Webstudio subscriptions if you could provide an SOP about the best way to sell your stuff. You know what I mean?
- You want to build a site and sell it to other user, but you want 1 enduser or many users like a markeptplace?. 2. Building a site for a client is not different like any other project, you have to coordinate with the client where the site will be hosted. With webstudio they can choose if they will pay you for "hosting" they site on your account or they will use their account.