Can't reference page-wrapper content for page title and description?
Can't reference page-wrapper content for page title and description?
At a glance
The community member has their data bound on the page-wrapper rather than the body, as per the Baserow tutorial. They need to give their directory pages a name using the title of the page from the CMS, but they are unable to reference any of their data seen on the right panel in the binding above the expression.
In the comments, another community member suggests that the data has to be on the body to access them in page settings. They ask if there is a way to move the data to the body, and question why the original poster would put them on a page-wrapper over the body, as this is not common in most examples in the marketplace.
The original poster responds that moving the data to the body would be done manually, and that they only put the data in the page-wrapper on listing pages, not dynamic pages. They explain that listing pages are not dynamic, so there is usually no need to access the variables on the body.
The other community member acknowledges the explanation and thanks the original poster.
I have my data bound on the page-wraper rather than the body as per the Baserow tutorial. I need to give my directory pages a name using the title of the page from the cms but in the binding above the expression I'm not able to reference any of my data seen on the right panel?
Why I put them in page wrapper: I only do this on listing pages, not dynamic pages. If I have done this somewhere, let me know. Listing page aren't dynamic so there's usually no need to access to the variables on the body.