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Updated 2 months ago

Can't turn elements on and off in Navigator

At a glance
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Tested, works. Please provide full information and ideally share link in case its something with your project.
I realizde it happen when I paste webflow elements - Just not gonna use them anymore
I would be curious to see reproduction, may be an easy fix. Care to share a simple step or a project with repro?
I recorded a video - the pages where the elements were created in WS work fine. When I create a new page and paste the WF elements the "eye" disapears from the left bar
You just need to scroll horizontally to see the eye icon there. But also you have the same function in the settings
Oh man! That horizontal scroll is faint! i just cant really see it, but i was able to grab it at the bottom
Just an idea -As a very beginer, I wouldn't mind a paid community that I could learn from if i had direct access to someone knowledgeable and could help me as sort of mentor whenever needed. If anyone inthe group would like to create it i would join...
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