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Updated 3 months ago

Change Your Nickname for Free, but Changing Your Image Per-Server Requires Discord Nitro.

At a glance
The post discusses that changing profile images on Discord servers requires a Discord Nitro subscription, while nicknames can be changed for free. The comments discuss this policy, with some community members expressing concerns about discrimination and privacy issues if the server requires users to use their real names and profile pictures. The community members debate the merits of this policy, with some suggesting that Discord may not be the best platform for the server's goals. There is no explicitly marked answer.

The main points are:

- Changing profile images on Discord servers requires a Discord Nitro subscription, while nicknames can be changed for free.

- Some community members are concerned that the server's policy of "choosing who to interact with" based on real names and profile pictures could lead to discrimination.

- There is debate about whether Discord is the best platform for the server's goals, with some suggesting a platform like Slack may be more suitable.

- The community members discuss the importance of anonymity and online identities, and whether requiring real names and profile pictures is appropriate for a Discord server.

you can change your nickname for free, but changing your image per-server requires discord nitro.
indeed, this is terrible, is there any way we can allow anyone to change for free on ourserver?
Not everybody has Nitro, and Discord is not the most private option. I've set up a server profile with my company name, but I would never use my photo or my real name on this platform, especially while running a big community on the side.
And no, only the nickname
Well I can't force you, but the team can choose who to interract with based on our community guidelines. I think this is fair.
If the team is "choosing who to interact with", that's a wide open door for discrimination.
Everyone chooses who to interract with. Its not illegal in any way.
I encourage openess.
Why should I help someone who knows my name and face and I know they are abcdefg65 ?
I think this is a really bad policy, and it's making me reconsider being here at all.
Because that's what your company pays you to do
Are you are paying me to do this?
No, I don't tend to pay the customer service agents for the services I use. Do you?
Trying to bring the point across but failing. Company is not paying us to deal with people with no names or faces.

Its a relationship between people and it goes both ways.
So you're not being paid to participate in this server?
No. Server is for the community. We don't even offer payed support.
We do this because we want an inclusive community that is open and welcoming.
Ah, then in that case, I'll leave. If this isn't an official support channel, do what you like. Bad policies will ruin you in the end.
This is an official open community.
So say one of your moderators is secretly racist, and they "choose to interact" only with people who have photos of the "right" skin color. How would you detect and stop this?
What if they choose to interract only with people who have blue colors in their profiles?
Can you really be 100% protected against this? I guess you would have to just trust that we build a good community here.
Your hypothetical doesn't involve illegal discrimination. Mine does
You are right and everything is possible.
Same is possible on the street or in the bank.
Yes, but you're the one insisting on a policy that makes that kind of discrimination easier.
It's the same as insisting on a face photo in a resume
More so if you purchased a license, your name will be on the card, then someone can still learn about you more than you want.
If your customer service agents are accessing personal info about people in the Discord server, that's a big red flag too, isn't it?
I mean if you share your account data with them and they check if you are a paying customer or something else. Maybe you have a question about your payment.
Can you see the difference between a person sharing their information to solve a specific problem, and a policy that suggests they won't get help if they don't share that info in public?
yeah, definitely there is a difference, I appreciate your perspective
Do you want to talk to avatars and random names in the chat?
just honest opinion
Yes, that's what I expect on a Discord server. It's how it is in every server I'm in, even my family server. It's very normal. I've never been in any server that asked me to use my photo as my avatar.
As I feel he slightly exaggerated the whole racism thing at the beginning, he has some valid points. Tbh the whole announcement surprised me, as it's still a Discord server.
I don't know, I have been here for a while and helping rando3456 became tiresome and annoying, it doesn't feel like building relationships when you see these types of profiles here
@Oleg Isonen I do not have the time nor the energy to write lenghtily here. But let me tell you one thing.
I had respect for the team and the work you do for your product. I had respect for the direction you were going.
This is discord. If you do not like people to use alias names, you have chosen the wrong platform from the start. This is on you.
Now claiming, that you "choose who to interract with" is the worst possible statement you could do.

And that comes from one person that is using their real name here.
Some of my best relationships are with peopole I only know by screen name. I've been interacting with screen names since the 90's
@[ArcP] Ramses303 I agree with you, maybe discord wasn't the best choice after all.
What I want to say is, phrase it differently and you have my respect. But as stated in this thread, there is something majorly wrong.
what particular part of the statement is wrong in your opinion?
To use the statement of "choose who to interract with" should, in my opinion, be reflected in very simple and very clear community guidelines. Not some random you have to use your real name or you are a person of second class reasoning.
You can not force people to use their real name, as you stated in your announcement.
A part of a good foundation for the former statement would for example be the article 21 - non discrimination - of the EU.
Yeah, I am not forcing. It was more a cultural guesture. I welcome people with real names and faces. That's it.
I get the fact that you want the feel of interacting with real people when troubleshooting things or just discussing stuff abt development, but that I dont think can happen on discord. The internet culture of having a second identity. has been deeply engraved into the discord and its users. We the users here just use the way another person chats as a metric to determine their online personality and interact with them as such.

quick example - there are people who are great minds, but find it difficult to mingle in real world with their IRL personality. But on Internet they might have another personality, that helps them interact with other internet personalities to contribute to projects for the greater good. (I have met some people like that on other servers)

As a platform I would suggest shifting to a slack for a face to face corporate style group-up. That might be what you are looking for.
Leave the option of what people put in their profile pic to the people, since they are not on discord to be part of this community, but they are a part of this community because they are on discord.

Advice - Think of it as people use nicknames on discord, a name that they came up with, and not one given by society. You might be one of the person who knows they more personally, just because you know their nickname they came of with that none in the real world may know. (Probably not the best wording, but I hope u get what I am trying to get at.)
I agree with you.
Additionally, I would personally ask you to not drop Discord as a platform. I, and I assume many others, choose your (webstudio) service because you have a Discord server to contact you. It is, at least for me, the de-facto standard when interacting with people about software, hardware, games and increasingly also contracts.
If you would stop the support here or majorly cut back on the involvement you have, this would kill a good portion of what makes your service good for me and maybe others.
The ability to reach you, have a structured environment with threads and forum style posts and the ability to simply chat without going through the hoop of logging into yet another service or website or whatnot, that I would only use to chat with your in one specific environment, would completely negate any benefit, because it is a big hassle and waste of time (IMHO). Discord is running, because I work, game, interact with it on a near minutely basis. I run my own servers, my own communities. Why would I switch to something else, just to get support for a software?

Dont get me wrong, there are very good reasons to have other ways of contact, for non disclosure topics, customer data, etc. But for general "how do I do X", I dislike standalone niche applications.
Slack may be cool for big corporations. Jira for tickets and whatnot. Discourse for comment sections on news pages. All have their right to be and all have their niche. Discord has its niche and it is a damn good tool for running a service and help board.
That's why we chose it in the first place
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