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Updated 3 months ago

Changing padding and margin with keyboard only

At a glance

The community members are discussing a way to change padding/margin on all sides using the keyboard only, as the mouse-based method is finicky due to monitor size and scaling. Some suggestions include using the shift key to control all sides at once, and using arrow keys. However, there seems to be an issue with the mouse behavior that causes the values to jump into the thousands. The community members try to troubleshoot the issue, including testing on different monitors and projects, but it appears to be an isolated issue related to the user's 8K monitor. The root cause is not definitively identified, but it may be related to the pointerlock API used in the application.

Is there a way I can change the padding / margin on all sides with keyboard only? I've been setting one side and then using mouse plus shift (I think) to change all properties, however it's a bit finicky due to the size of my monitor and scaling.
no, but I am curious to understand why exactly mouse doesn't work for you for this
does mouse work for the same control for you on webflow?
is it our bug or how is it possible that you can't use it
in theory when we open input, if input was open with shift pressed, it could open an input that controlls all sides or opposite sides
I think holding shift would be the way to go. I generally just don't like using mouse when I don't need to when making property changes.

When I use the mouse many times it'll put the values into the thousand after clicking and holding to mouse. I believe I seen another bug submitted in regards to it so I didn't ever bother to make a fuss about it.
Being able to use arrow keys is great but being able to hold shift to control all sides at the same time would help my workflow for sure.
Much like how holding shift allows us to reset all the sides at once.
you mean shift when input already open?
can you show a video of whats happening with your mouse?
there should be no issues, if there are we need to fix them
will get you video here in a bit
if i can, seems to not be happening at the moment
not able to do video capture for whatever reason my screencapture snippet tool isn't allowing me to do my entire screen at the moment. Hopefully this screenshot make sense.
Can't make sense of the screenshot
Is that what you mean?
try descript, I am using it
But in the webstudio, of course
sorry, i'm working on trying a different app right now
video will make more sense, hard to describe
however that works good
hopefully that helps understand
what's your browser and OS? Do I understand correctly that you are dragging and it doesn't change the value on canvas?
also as soon as you start dragging the cursor jumps into the middle of the screen?
some crazy stuff
can you also give me a view link? I want to see if it has to do with your project specifically
or rather try the sam e thing on a blank project with just a Box on it, is it same broken? if yes then it has nothing to do with the project
that's so fucked up, I have never seen anything like that in any of our testing
yes I will try with blank project as well
i honestly believe it has to do with windows scaling
i'm using the desktop app btw
it doesn't happen everytime either
so its project specific? then I need a link to yours to see how that's possible
@Oleg Isonen sorry, trying to finish this project real quick and I'll get right back to this. please bare with me.
@Oleg Isonen sorry for the delay, was putting out fires yesterday for one of my consulting clients. I believe this is an isolated issue with my computer monitor. I tested with my backup monitor on the same project and I cannot reproduce the glitch. When I switch back to my 8k Aorus monitor the glitch persists. So perhaps GPU related, really not sure and not that big of deal as it seem to be intermitten incident.
interesting, so its 8k monitor problem?
is that monitor connected to the same computer?
yes same computer, i cannot reproduce the glitch on my intel nuc mini pc
do you get that glitch in webflow?
or better to say in figma
we are using poitnerlock api to make cursor go infinitely
this must have to do with this
I wish I could test it somehow
if figma works for you going with cursor outside of the screen etc, then it must be a bug in our implementation, not pointerlock api
i'll test in both later this afternoon. Honestly, really no need for figma anymore but I'll login to my account and see if I can reproduce the glitch.
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