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Updated 9 months ago

Close sheet component using code

At a glance
How to please close the sheet component using code? I need to close menu overlay when user clicks on link that goes to section on the page, like #about
We need to think about it, its currently not possible
@Ivan Starkov is looking into it, will probably have a fix today
Amazing news! I was about to create my own custom responsive menu, but that wouldn't ever be as accessible. Thanks I will keep my eyes on updates, as always anyway πŸ˜„
I'm looking for the same solution - looking forward to the fix.
fix is created, waiting to get deployed
As I'm testing the Example project the sheet component/menu is still not closing when I click on the links (tested in Firefox and Chrome - same result).
where on the links above? it works we tested
its not deployed to production on your site yet
Is there anything that needs to be set up? I tried creating new project and it does not close and goes back to the top of the website after closing the overlay

It was not deployed yet, works only in our development environment
okey thanks for the info πŸ™‚
It was testing on this link:, but now it works perfect. It might be I was just too quick with the testing. πŸ™‚

Looking forward to deployment in production.
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