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Updated 10 months ago

Cms update and appsumo demo request.

At a glance
Hi, I know this has been asked a thousand times, but any ETA for the CMS? I would love to see a demo before the LlTD on Appsumo is gone. Thanks.
Im super eager for it too. Answer is very soon but can't give a date.

If you've seen Resources in action you'll get a good idea.

To enable dynamic pages you'll define a path like normal but give it dynamic part eg /posts/:slug and then be able to pass that slug value into your resource query.

So when somebody goes to /posts/my-awesome-post then your query can essentially run get posts where slug == 'my-awesome-post (not actual syntax just sayin).

And voila! You bind the results to page components just like you already do with Resources.

There are other things coming too, mainly rich text implementation so you can handle an incoming html value and style out its children. That's in progress and one of the very last things to finish. πŸ™‚
Let me ask, and I like your course by the way, do you think it'll be possible to import thousands of blog posts from a CMS? what if the CMS is built on a local site like MAMP? Sorry for the question and thank you..
This process will be solely dependent on the 3rd party CMS. Pretty much all of them have some sort of migration CLI/import feature. Some take more work than others though
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