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Updated 2 months ago

Collaboration and client editing

At a glance
The community member is asking if Webstudio will offer the ability for non-technical end users or clients to make real-time changes to page elements and CMS items, similar to Webflow's edit mode. The comments suggest that while Webstudio is not a CMS, any CMS integrated with it will allow customers to edit content only. The community members discuss the possibility of Webstudio introducing content editing permissions in the future, but note that for serious content management, integrating a dedicated CMS would be recommended.
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Will Webstudio offer the ability for end users or clients that are not too tech savvy to be able to make real time changes to page elements and cms items with the ability to add new edit and delete cms items and publish? Just like Webflows edit mode. This feature would be massive and is my main feature that’s holding me back from fully migrating to Webstudio
CMS you choose is already simplified UI for content management since it is completely decoupled from Webstudio builder.
@ajhoyhoy you have several questions here

  1. realtime multiplayer? yes in the future, currently single-player mode. I don't think you also have a multiplayer in wf, its one person at a time
  1. changine elements etc - you can even now share a link with anyone and let them edit any instances on canvas
  1. sharing content editing permissions with client - webstudio isn't a cms, but any cms you integrate with will let customers edit content only, like @TrySound said
In the future we might introduce content editing permission that only lets user with that permission to change text and images but nothing else.

But generally this is for static content only, so for any blogging or serious amount of content, you should integrate a CMS.
This discussion was what I was trying to say lol PubliAlex said it better lol.
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