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Updated 3 months ago

Collection of pages with static and dynamic contents

At a glance
Hi, I'm an artist with multiple skillsets; I want to redesign my portfolio site on Webstudio, but am not sure I can re-create the functionality I want, can someone please advise?

I want to create a collection of project pages that contain static and dynamic content.

I want each project page to have a category and a description at the top of each page, styled the same for all pages in the collection.

I want the page contents below the category and description to be customised for each project page in the collection.

The main reason for combining static and dynamic elements like this is so I can improve navigation for site visitors by using CMS filtering. For example to have an "all projects" page where visitors can filter projects by skillset.

Is it possible to do this in Webstudio? Sorry if this has been answered already, I searched a bit through discord but couldn't find anything.

For a clear example: I have sort of achieved this functionality with my existing site built on Laytheme for Wordpress here:

The reason I want to switch to Webstudio is for greater design control and much faster and consistent load times.
You can checkout this tutorial:

I think it covers all of your mentioned features.
There are plenty more of this kind on the youtube channel, covering multiple CMS Sources.
U can also use Wordpress as the CMS, if ur Data is there already.
Hey. thanks for your speedy reply -

I've watched this one - the filtering is great, but it doesn't show any way to customise on a per page basis.

Skip around the projects on my current site and I think you'll see what I mean:
I think you can do this with dynamic Visability.
For your Case i would recommend you get a deeper understanding on what exactly it is (technically) what you are building there.
Than watch a lot of tutorials about Webstudio. Then your pieces will fall together in place.
I think dynamic visibility would work if, for example, I had 3 different image gallery layouts I wanted to switch between. I could accomplish that easily with booleans in the cms or selectively binding data and using conditional variables.

But what I want to do is a mostly custom design layout for each project page, while still having it filterable. It's almost as if I want to embed a page within a cms entry. Although seems like a technically terrible way to do it πŸ˜‚
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