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Colors in Navigator

At a glance
I#m still on "Hobby" .
Using the "Portfolio" craft-template, I find items with differnt colors in the navigator. Most of them are black an have a style panel. Some of them are violet and don't have a style panel. I think, this is because the violet items of the template refer to external data / data variables. Does the violet color mean: "here is some information missing?". Is there a possibility to change the item from external data to local to get back the styling-panel for the objects? Ordoes the violet color mean something completely different?
Violet means something is reused. In case of navigator it is "Slot" component which can be copy pasted between pages and all instances will be synchonised whenever you edit slot content
Hi Bogdan, thank You for your Help! i will have to find out something about slots. Just googled for "webstudio slot component" and got a first grab on the concept os slots. Is there more detailed info or a tutorial on the topic?
Thank You Bogdan, that has helped! How can I mark this post as solved?
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