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Updated 2 months ago

Configuring Cloudflare Workers to Build and Publish to a Subdomain in Cloudflare Pages

At a glance

A community member is having trouble configuring Cloudflare Workers to build and publish to a Cloudflare Pages subdomain. They suspect their wrangler.toml configuration may be the issue. Another community member asks if the original poster is publishing themselves or via Webstudio Cloud. A third community member is also trying to set this up on their local machine, and encountered a problem logging in to Wrangler, possibly due to running an instance via a devcontainer. They experienced an infinite loop with Cloudflare OAuth2.

Hi, has anyone tried configuring cloudflare workers to get a build and publish it to a subdomain in cloudflare pages? I'm having a bit of trouble with this. Maybe my wrangler.toml config is wrong.
are you publishing yourself or via webstudio cloud?
I'm trying on localhost myself. I tried to push fixtures cloudflare template, but I have a problem logging in to wrangler, probably because I'm running an instance via devcontainer. Login started but in cloudlfare I have infinteloop with cloudfalre outh2.
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