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Updated 2 months ago

Connecting Domain with Webstudio and Self-hosting a CMS on a Subdomain or Subdirectory

At a glance

The community members indicate that it is possible to connect a domain with Webstudio and simultaneously self-host a CMS like Strapi on a subdomain or subdirectory. However, they note that Strapi and some other CMSs do not provide HTML content for rich text, which is why they are not fully supported by Webstudio yet. The community members provide a link to Webstudio's documentation on compatible CMSs.

Useful resources
(noob alert) Is it possible to connect my domain with Webstudio and simultaneously self-host a cms (eg. Strapi) on a subdomain or subdirectory?
at least I don't see why not
webstudio doesn't care where your CMS is
strapi and a few others don't provide html content for rich text, which is why they are not fully supported yet
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