The community member is trying to connect the content of a Notion database page (including text, images, videos, etc.) to the article content in Webstudio. The comments suggest that this is a complex task and would require additional API backend calls. The community members discuss the limitations of using Notion as a headless CMS, and the Webstudio team member explains that full Notion support would require a lot of dedicated effort. The community members also discuss the possibility of using other CMS options like GraphQL-based CMSs, but the Webstudio team member notes that Notion is not an ideal headless CMS in this sense. There is no explicitly marked answer in the comments.
I can connect Notion Database's Name column as a Headline in Webstudio, but how can I connect the inside content as the article content where I can put anything like text, image, video, blockquote, lists, etc.
I watched this video. But I wanted to connect the Notion page content which is usually stays in the "Name" column, I am not talking about connecting other properties like tags, dates, or slug.
Nope, just the part of page content is needed beside what we have now. That's it. If you are heading me to then it means Webstudio doesn't support other CMS/database in full. Yet.
, just the part of page content is needed beside what we have now.
What do you mean by that? In notion you can insert ANYTHING into that content: text, images, lists, headings, but also video, table/database, gallery, calendar etc etc
specifically notion has a complex API for all this stuff and a lot of complex blocks that wold need a specialized UI to render
notion is notion, its not a cms and its not a database, in webstudio we tested using notion database, which seems to work well, but other things is a different story
it would be possible with a lot of dedicated effort specifically for notion
I understand. But this also means we (non coder), can not use/integrate CMS without a developer help. And this is frustrating for me. Not your fault, but a reality. Thanks for your support Oleg.
In this case its specifically with notion. I think nocoder can connect to graphql based cmss as graphql has a visual query builder called graphiql. We have a video showing how to do that with hygrap as example without even typing anything, the query gets build by just clicking things together.
You are stuck with the idea that connecting notion as a headless CMS is supposed to be as simple as using notion itself, but unfortunately it isn't. Notion isn't a great headless cms in this sense.