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Updated 4 months ago

Considering webstudio instead of framer for agency work

At a glance

The community members are discussing the use of Webstudio, an alternative to Framer, in their agencies. The main points raised are:

- A community member is considering using Webstudio and is looking for insights from others who are using it.

- Another community member suggests that a good workflow to focus on would be the handoff to clients once a project is finished.

- The current approach mentioned is to share a project link with the client, allowing them to clone it into their own account, and then they can share the project back for additional tasks.

- A community member mentions that the Webstudio roadmap includes a feature that could help with customer handoff, especially if the agency is hosting the client's sites or has them under their cloud account, but the release timeline is unknown.

There is no explicitly marked answer in the comments.

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Hey chat, is anyone using Webstudio in their Agency? considering Webstudio instead of Framer and looking for some insights!
What do you need to know? πŸ™‚
A good workflow I suppose, mainly around the handoff to clients once the project is finished
Current approach is to share a project link with your client and let them clone it into own account. Then they can share their project with you for additional tasks.
@grapplingdev the roadmap has another nice feature that is coming.

I don't know when that will come but something that could really help with customer handoff if you're hosting their sites or have it under your cloud account.
Oh 100%, sounds great!
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