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Updated 4 days ago

Content edit mode restrictions?

Is there a way to restrict something like text being edited within the edit content block? For example, if I'm building sites for people and want to have a link back to my site in the footer.
Read the question 3 times but I fail to understand the question
Now we allow to edit text outside or content block. Jeremy wants user to touch only specific areas.
We went for a more permissive model by choice. It was clear that either way people will want something. One wants client not be able to touch anything because they don't trust them and the other way around.

For now its not clear if we need an additional setting to make a restrictive mode for content editing.
I need to see the real-world feedback from working with the clients and permissive mode actually being a problem.
Versioning will help revert some unwanted changes.
For sure, but I bet some people don't want the client to touch anything at all except of specific areas. I personally was advocating for this more restrictive mode. Ivan was more in favor or a permissive mode.

In any case this are all guesses, I need to hear from real world feedback from actual work with a client.
So far, I have this 1 use-case. I want to maintain a link to my website in a client's footer. They have the ability to edit the link/text.
There might be more reasons, but that's the only real-world one I've currently got.
So you want them to not be able to edit it, right?
Yes, that's correct.
So now the question is what happens if client can edit it as well. How terrible is this if it stays like that?
In this particular instance, it isn't completely terrible. I would simply prefer if they kept the link back to me.
@Oleg Isonen, I did think of a couple other instances that I've been working on but haven't released.

  1. Currently setting up a n8n form within my WS project so the client could submit the form and it would write a new post for them
  2. Anything that's a customer dashboard (after I get auth working properly)
basically the functional stuff that a client doesn't need to ever touch, kinda non-content settings.
That I agree, especially if its not immediately obvious what has broke the functionality if made by accident and you only notice its been broken once you test or visitor reports a bug
Yes, these are precisely the instances where I'd use this.
Actually I just tried with the form and we don't let content editor see any settings in content mode
Now I am wondering what you meant
if the instance is not inside content block, they can't edit it and they can't delete it, they can change instance name
I'm sorry. I had that idea without testing it. You're correct; I can't change the form as a content editor. Only labels and button text.
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