Creating an Auto-complete Feature for a Dropdown in Webstudio
Creating an Auto-complete Feature for a Dropdown in Webstudio
At a glance
The community member is looking for a way to create an autocomplete feature for a dropdown in Webstudio, similar to the one in the attached screenshot. They have not found anything in the Webstudio documentation to help with this. The comments suggest that the community member would need to use a library like Downshift and fetch the data from an API on the client-side, as Webstudio does not have a pre-made component for this. Another idea mentioned is to use a "Select" component from Radix in coordination with a text input, using the input value to constrain the GET request that populates the "Select" component. However, one community member notes that autocomplete/combobox is quite different from just a select and input. The community member eventually coded the autocomplete feature from scratch, and mentions that it might be a good component to add to Webstudio.
You can use custom code of accordation(html) - <summary> and try to populate it with the data you are fetching- that code can be in <script> that is js which will be making a list of summaries, or <p> as per your choice.
I hope i have understood your question, if not let me know.