The community member posted a question about using CSS animations with Webstudio. The comments suggest that while many people use CSS animations, the original question was too open-ended. Another community member expressed interest in implementing scroll animations but was unsure how to do it. The third comment provided some guidance, suggesting that there are tutorials available for pure CSS scroll animations and other animation libraries like GSAP, which can be applied in Webstudio by adding a class to the selected element and an HTML embed component with the animation script. The commenter recommended starting with a simple blank page and learning the animation tools separately from Webstudio.
there are tutorials for pure css scroll animations and there are tutorials on gsap and other libraries, these things are not specific to webstudio, once you understand those, you will be able to apply that in webstudio, all you need to do then is to add a class to select element and add an html embed component with your animation script, this is all there is that is specific to webstudio, I recommend starting witha simple blank page and learn the animation tools separately from webstudio.