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Updated last year

Curious Why AI Before Much of the Highly Desired and Discussed Features?

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Curious why AI before much of the highly desired and discussed features? In general I'm a bit skeptical when companies add "AI" though.
We have been researching on AI for the last 5 month and need to bring that research to production for it to not go to waste.
that is from company perspective
from user perspective AI can be a serious helper tool, AI we build is not a site generator that replaces designers, its a helper tool for designers
  • easier to start from blank canvas
  • faster to add copy/images
  • draft sections and components quickly
production is still up to the user
last but not least AI is an ongoing effort and always will be, so that's just the start
important is to not confuse it with those million other AI site generators that are just generating it with the goal to have some half-assed website done quickly
we are expecting a pro to combine AI and skills
awesome man can't wait! yeah excuse my skepticism as many companies have hopped on the band wagon with turly half assed "AI". But I totally get all that. Thanks!
I will run by you our messaging for the launch to make sure we addressed this problem head on. I have had the same feeling and skeptizism since ever and still have, our designers have as well. Nobody in design I know actually is using any AI for design.
Cool yeah always down to provide feedback, good or bad haha
Also will need your feedback as soon as we get to the state of testing!
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