Custom CSS code for the entire website (scroll, backgrounds, fonts)
Custom CSS code for the entire website (scroll, backgrounds, fonts)
At a glance
The community members are discussing how to add custom CSS code for an entire website, including styling the scroll bar, background, fonts, and other global elements. Some community members suggest that a feature called "Root Element" that is being released soon may help with this use case. However, there is no definitive answer yet on whether this is currently possible or when the "Root Element" feature will be available. One community member mentions that a CSS Variable feature is already live and can be used for this purpose.
I mean for stylizing the scroll bar for the entire site for example. H1 and H2 should be create too but just something to use token automatically. Not to overide token or styling somewhere but just to have default behavior. A bit like in Elementor Global settings, but not like Elementor π in Webstudio way with token.