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Updated 3 weeks ago

Dark mode

At a glance

The community member is looking for a way to add a dark theme toggle in the Advance panel of a platform, preferably using a native solution rather than an HTML embed. The comments suggest that using an HTML embed is currently the only possible solution. Another community member mentions a recent CSS feature, color-scheme: dark; and color: light-dark(blue, purple);, which could be a potential solution, but it is not supported by the platform's parser. The community members express interest in testing this CSS feature once it is supported by the platform.

Useful resources
Is there a way to add in the advance panel something like that [data-theme="dark"]? I'd like to use a dark theme and make a a toggle to switch between the differents theme but I cannot find to do that (an HTML embed is possible but I would prefer to use a native solution).

Only possible with html embed for now
ok thanks ! I will manage it with HTML Embed
all right, made a test it works fine
Btw check this out
Plain Text
  :root {
    color-scheme: dark;
  body {
    color: light-dark(blue, purple)
Thanks I didn't know it. Seems a recent CSS feature and supported by all browser (

According to you is it the best way to integrate light / dark theme on Webstudio?
Not supported by our parser either πŸ˜…
But I will look into fixing it
basically you will be able to specify light-dark() in color fields
and will be able to set color-scheme when necessary
It is my first time I would use it. I'm interested to test it!
Let me know when it will be live I'm interested (I'm working on the Craft Style Guide to improve it and add light/dark theme)
I'm interested in this as well.
Is there a best practice example on how to offer a dark/light mode toggle and remember the users choice?
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