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Updated last month

Do tokens have information on breakpoints?

At a glance

The community member who posted the original question is wondering if a token created with different style options for different breakpoints will remember the style options for each breakpoint, or if they need to create a token for each element and each breakpoint separately.

One community member responds that only the styles change per breakpoint, and one token covers all the breakpoints. However, another community member indicates they were unable to replicate this and will need to do more trial and error to figure it out.

Another community member shares a link to some resources (101s) that may help, and a fourth community member praises the team and their fast support responses.

There is no explicitly marked answer in the comments.

If I have set different style-options for different breakpoints an then create a token: Does the token memorize, which style-option is set on each breakpoint? Or do I have to create a token for each element AND each breakpoint seperatly?
The only thing that changes per breakpoint are the the styles. One token covers all the breakpoints
That sounds great, but unfortunatly I can't replicate this. Don't worry, I'm a NewBee to webstudio and will find it out on my own. Just some more try and errorโ€ฆ ๐Ÿ™‚
You are a great team! It's admirable what you created in only a few months since founding. I have never ever had support-answers this lightning fast with any other software product. Please continue like this!
I already viewed all of the 101s, but beeing a greybeard my memory is not so good as it had been once. ๐Ÿ˜‡
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