as i needed to use hyperlink for the times there. i went with content embed instead. and used it as a list item. i found this method to work for me~
since im using notion, notion makes this text with links be hyperlinked. so i have to manually remove the formatting so it gets populated as a plain text in webstudio. but yea it works for now~
but yea as you see in the image, just inputting normal text or it still doesn't replicate the newline. so is this intentional or its not a feature yet?
for example - try adding this in text block -
00:00:00 - Start (Recording)
00:02:53 - Talk (Change Scene)
00:05:58 - Game (Change Scene)
00:08:05 - Talk (Change Scene)
00:08:14 - Audio issues (Manual)
00:08:54 - back to duolingo (Manual)
01:47:30 - V - Talk (Change Scene)
01:47:33 - Talk (Change Scene)
01:47:49 - done with duolingo and just chatting for now (Manual)
02:43:39 - Talk (Change Scene)
02:50:01 - Ending (Change Scene)
02:50:51 - End (Recording)
refer 2nd screenshot.