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Updated 4 weeks ago

exit preview mode

instead of clicking on the activated blue preview button aside the SHARE button, to simply press ESC on the keyboard would be awesome
shortcut exists for this: cmd shift p
haha nice, im left handed, so i would have to use my both hands
and get away from the mouse
ESC already in use ?
cool would be in the top menu, a EDIT PREFERENCES shortcuts... for next christmas maybe
won't be possible inside canvas, because esc could be needed on the page itself, so even if it works, only if you first click outside of canvas and that's not very good, also second shorthand is not good
I am afraid we will stick with cmd+shift+p
custom shortcuts isn't planed for now, but in some distant future
I don't think figma has custom shorthands neither does webflow
so its a very special request
🫡 will do sir
maybe i have it from wix
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