The community members are discussing the ability to export HTML/CSS code from Webstudio, similar to the functionality in WebFlow. Some community members suggest prioritizing this static export feature, as it would allow developers to create visually appealing frontends faster and avoid vendor lock-in. However, the Webstudio team indicates that their main goal is to enable exporting of dynamic websites, not just static HTML/CSS. They are working on this feature and welcome community participation in the implementation details.
@Mark Does Webstudio allow you to export HTML/CSS code like WebFlow does?
This is a very important feature of many WebFlow users. If currently this feature is not supported, is there any estimation on when will it be supported?
I would suggest to prioritize the static html/css exporting feature, because if you are interested in being an open source alternative to WebFlow, which you seem to be in the right direction and have created a great platform so far, the main selling point for us the developers is that your platform allow us to create visually the frontend we want faster compared to coding it, but then letting us use it outside of the platform (avoid vendor lock-in)
Sorry for reactivating this thread, but I was searching for something similar to understand if Webstudio currently allow or if that is something in your backlog.
@Oleg Isonen what do you mean by "a full sync"? For some cases when you build a static page like a landing page for example, wouldn't the export feature for the static files be enough?