I have a website that runs a Flutter web app. How it currently works....
https://ohmyglyph.com/glyphview.htmwithin that is an iframe to the folder on my web host where the app is
<iframe class="webappframe" src="
https://www.ohmyglyph.com/app/" allow="clipboard-write">Loading frame...</iframe>
Essentially the app is built and compiled by flutter, then I simply upload the compiled files to my web host and then point to it from a page.
I hoped I could upload the files to webstudio and do something similar.
Coincidentally if I use that same line of HTML on a webstudio project, it does work. But then of course, I would still need a second web host! And I should probably not allow the app to load from a different domain (somehow).
There is possibly a better way to current solution but seems to work OK.