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Updated 4 months ago

Form component outdated documentation

At a glance
I tried to build a form but with little success.
The documentation ist outdated I guess.
Also somehow the button isn´t responding. My cursor doesn´t change when hovering over the button.
Can you please explain how I can create a simple form with a text input?

Will update today. That documentation refers to Webhook Form, we renamed it as we added a second type of form called Form
A lil overdue thanks for the nudge. Let me know if anything needs to be clarified.
Hey John, the button problem persists.
When hovering over the button it´s like it´s not recognized.
Also when I fill out the form and want to send it, nothing happens (no success or fail message).
*ok form submission works fine when the site is published.
How do we redirect on a success state? (I have a very vague recollection of maybe reading elsewhere here that it has something to do with placing js in the success state component?)
would need to see the site. sounds like you need to style the button though by settings a hover state and applying styles
Its on our backlog right now

But i suppose you can add a script that redirects to the success state as it only gets fired on success
added a comment in the issue for how to do it right now, but we should add a setting for this
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