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Updated 2 months ago

gsap has been acquired by webflow

At a glance

The post discusses the acquisition of GSAP by Webflow and how it might affect Webstudio. The comments suggest that this acquisition is a good move for Webflow, but the community members are unsure if it's a positive development for the broader developer ecosystem. Some community members believe that Webflow won't make GSAP closed-source or remove it from the market, as they need it to be available for people to use between Webflow and other systems. Others speculate that Webflow might integrate GSAP into their IX panel, or that the acquisition was more about acquiring the GSAP team and user base rather than the library itself. Overall, the community members don't seem to think this acquisition will significantly change anything for GSAP or Webstudio.

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GSAP has been acquired by Webflow. How can this affect Webstudio?
are you worried they are going to take away gsap?
We talk about that in this thread :

They made a statement.

Very good move for Webflow. No sure it's a good new for the dev ecosystem...
Its not gonna change anything at all.
Webflow won't make it closed source
or take off the market
they need it out there because they want people to keep using it between webflow and other systems
also the wouldn't risk being the bad guy removing it somehow
additionally I don't think gsap matters, its been stable for many years, there isn't huge amount of work to do
what they might do is to start generating gsap code from IX panel
I am not sure they will though
it might simply be an acquisition of the gsap userbase and the team
I don't even think they payed much for it, it may be simply acquihire
they know they need to refresh IX panel and they want a team around it
gsap may have 0 importance on itself
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