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Updated 2 months ago

Help convince me to switch from Webflow

At a glance

The community member is considering switching from Webflow to Webstudio, but has a few must-haves before making the switch. They are looking for global components with style variants, a library similar to Finsweet Attributes, and the ability to copy and paste elements from Webflow. They also want to know if there is a way to add images in rich text within a CMS like Airtable, NocoDB, or Baserow. Another community member provided some answers, noting that global components are on Webstudio's roadmap, Finsweet Attributes are not compatible but they are interested in creating something similar, and that Baserow may soon support images in rich text. The other community member also mentioned that Webstudio has good documentation and is easy to use compared to other tools.

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I was recently referred by a friend to Webstudio after my frustration with Webflow CMS and their pricing. I have experimented a little and have read/watched a lot of content on Webstudio and have been very impressed so far. But there are a few must-haves before making the switch from Webflow.

Must Haves:

  1. Global Components - most of my builds consist of global components with custom properties binded to CMS data. I even nest global components inside of other global components. Webflow also announced having style variants within global components soon to be released. Does Webstudio have this functionality or plans to adopt it?
  1. Finsweet Attributes Library - I'm in love with this no-code js library. Are there any similar resources for Webstudio? I haven't tested whether Finsweet's solutions are platform agnostic or if they only work on Webflow. But without this library it feels like there will be a lot more coding than what I am capable of. Or it would be nice to see examples, such as adding components inside Rich Text with their Powerful rich text, scrolling infinitely with CMS Load, range slider with CMS Filter etc.
  1. Webflow Copy Paste - I saw this feature being advertised, but it didn't work for me. I made sure to select non-cms elements in Webflow to be pasted in Webstudio. Nothing happened when I tried pasting.
  1. Images in Rich Text - I can't find a CMS similar to Airtable, NocoDB, Baserow that supports images in Rich Text. Is there a way around this while using these CMS? I guess it would be similar to adding HTML components within Rich Text
PS. Additionally, has anyone used NocoDB as a CMS with Webstudio?
Hi @Spencer ! Nice to see you would like to switch to Webstudio. I made the switch one year ago and I'm falling love to this tool I use everyday.

Here are some answers to your questions:

1/ Global component. It's bot live right now, but it's on the roadmap (I think it's for 2025) :

2/ Finsweet Attributes is not compatible with Webstudio but I would be interested to work on something similar for the community. Maybe some has already started working on that.

3/ Webflow Copy Paste. Be more specific and share a link if you need some help.
It's not my favorite feature because Webstudio and Webflow are not exactly the same tool. So in Webflow you have to deal with classes and Webstudio you have to deal with tokens. I recommand you check "Craft" the Webstudio Style Guide who can give you some best practices.

4/ Indeed, it's not possible to add image on Airtable. But it seems the feature is coming to Baserow. To feature has already be develop on the develop branch on Github but it's not merged on main. I don't know. I would be nice to contact the support in order to know why. I use Baserow for some project and it's working well with Webstudio!

Hope theses answer help a bit to switch to Webstudio 🙂
I haven’t used NocoDB but I looked into connecting other CMS or generally CMS that aren’t even mentioned by them to Webstudio today, it’s generally very well explained in their documentation, even with videos, and I wrapped my head around it pretty quickly because it’s quite intuitive, pretty amazing. I’m positive that it works well with other CMS too, also as it’s one of the core features if I’m not mistaken that you can connect it to basically anything.

Dunno if this is helpful but hope it maybe motivates you to give it a try :D

From my short experience with it I‘m impressed how very solidly and well it works, if I think about how annoyed I get with elementor, divi or basically any technical tool ever lol (nothing against divi), many tools are so wonky, full of things that are question marks to me or just buggy as hell. Webstudio has been such a great experience in that regard so far, also the way it’s documented, it’s just fun and very refreshing.
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