The community member is having trouble with their DNS redirection, as they are getting an error that their "custom hostname does not CNAME to this zone." The community members suggest that the issue may be due to the domain registrar not allowing CNAME at the root, and recommend migrating the domain to a better registrar like Cloudflare or Namecheap, which do allow CNAME at the root. The community members also advise the original poster to redirect the root to the www subdomain and set the CNAME on the www. After following this advice and migrating the domain to Cloudflare, the original poster reports that the issue was resolved.
Hi there, sorry for the newbie question but it seems my DNS redirection doesn't work. I've created the CNAME record in my OVH DNS zone (with www instead of @ as the name, because OVH doesn't allow @), and added the TXT entry.
On the app, I get the following error : "custom hostname does not CNAME to this zone.".
Is this something common, and only have to wait until DNS propagation, or did I do something wrong?