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Updated 3 months ago

Hosting a Headless Backend with Directus

At a glance

The community members are discussing self-hosting options and backend solutions for a web application. They have a Docker container for PostgreSQL but not for the full application. Self-hosting is possible using a CLI tool. The community is still evaluating backend options, with a preference for open-source solutions like Supabase, Baserow, or NocoDB. They are considering Directus as a headless CMS, but the pricing for the cloud version is a concern. The community is looking for a GDPR-compliant, free or low-cost cloud-based backend solution that is easy to set up and maintain, especially for small projects. They also discuss the limitations of WordPress as a headless CMS and the challenges of managing the database structure in traditional CMS platforms.

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Hi I would have two questions here.
1) as a newby would you have a a docker compose file ready to self host it ?
2) I use directus as a headless backend. Can I already use it or is the app only static for now?
for the builder
but we don't have a docker for a complete thing, builder and publisher
backends are not yet supported, this is the next big thing we are working on and the first one is not directus
Ok. Which one will it be ?
still in internal discussion
I bet an open source one like supabase or baserow or nocodb ?
open source is def. prefference
but also you are confusing cms with backends for apps
there is a difference between pure data backends and cms
Yes I now. That's why I firstly talked about directus which is an actual headless cms that can be also an app backend too.
I thought of it as app backend, not cms
need to revisit it
Yes actually it's indeed a headless cms first with a quite granular way to manage roles and permission on each collection.
For instance they just lauunched AgencyOs which is a nuxt template of a website.
first problem i already see is that the pricing starts at $100 per month, they don't have a lower tier pricing.
I have in self hosted for free on my server
sure, but I don't expect our users to do that
Ok I understand. That means you rather go for a solution that offer a free cloud version
we need a cloud at $10-20 so that its easy and cheap to get majority of projects off the ground without maintenance
free would be ideal, especially for small projects
directus is really cool though
also our goal is to create first integration and document the api, so everyone can create their integrations
I expect community to build those, we can't build them all
From my point of view as non developper yet french user the cloud version of most of the solutions are us hosted which means GDPR unconsistancy.
Anyway it's a really good project.
Wordpress is probably not the best solution as this would be considered as another builder even if it can be used as hadless CMS
yeah, we need a gdpr compliant one in addition to that
yeah, we are on a fence with this, wordpress can be very customizable with all the plugins and lots of people use it, so as a cms it works
but the question will be how many people want to use webstudio instead of sticking with wordpress
Exactly, most of people use Elementor but there are lot of no-code builder, Gutemberg as native, divi, beaver builder, bricks....
in my opinion they all suck lol
coming from weblfow they are no match
there is a reason lots of people switch from wordpress to webflow
And the problem with wordpress is that it's very handy but you have absolutely no possibility to manage the database.
wdym by manage
I mean know the structure of the database. wordpress as being completely designed to be no code, the database is build by wordpress
yes, so why do you want to touch their database
Actually the problem with cms like Wordpress or Drupal or joomla for instance is that the database is fulled by lots of different tables.
But it can be easyer to use because of it's pretty well known backend
database is fulled by lots of different tables.

I still don't understand the problem
its their tables, their database, they are managing it
why is this a problem?
You don't have a readable access to it to see the structure, but that's my point of view.
It's probably because I tried directus where you build your collections and your datas yourself in a very visual way
Let say Directus is more visual data oriented and wordpress visual content oriented.
yes but why do you need it?
I am guessing its intentional in case of directus to let you integrate directus on top of YOUR database
but wordpress is a tool that gives you the UI, so database is not yours
wordpress has ability to change database in any way, because its theirs
When you use the backend as also the crm for teams it can nice to se exactly what goes where. With wordpress it's not always very easy.
uhh, crm is probably not something wordpress is created for
do you mean which works like wix ?
I guess there is a way to use it as crm
sorry for german link
but yeah, I guess I understand the problem now, you are trying to maintain a data from cms, but also use that data for other things
actually for me the perfect cms should also be part of the workspace of a company.
and for now wordpress is mose used beside the rest, like webflow actually.
but let say you manage memberships, online but not only, that means you can have to manage it with several tools which is not very efficient.
yeah, its like trying to achieve a holy grail with one tool doing it all
I think ultimately different types of data has to be managed by different tools and you need something that will convert one data into another
essentially managing customer data aka crm is a very different task thatn publishing a website content
I guess I would just try use content cms for content only
and proper databases/crm systems for application-like data
the problem ofcourse is when you want to ues that data on the same site as the content
I think webstudio is going to be perfectfor this
if your website is just a static content vitrine then of course.
If your website has membership access and user accounts then it can be handy not to make twice the work
we are not opinionated about where you get your data, you could be serving wordpress content one one page and crm/database/whatever content on another page or even both on the same page
I wasn't talking about a static content in any of those cases above
also static is relative, some content is cacheable for 1 second, some for 1 year
it all depends on your caching mechanism
e.g. a blog post is usually cachable for a long long time
important difference is that data is not pre-built before publishing, like with static site builders
Sorry I think it's more my non dev background that is talking.
But that said it's more that I would see more a real headless cms behind your solution because headless CMS means for the moment that you need dev ability to build the frontend. Your solution can solve this problem.
yes, webstudio is head for the headless
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