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Updated 3 months ago

How can i host my dynamic project on coolify?

At a glance

The community member has a project ready and wants to deploy it on their VPS (Virtual Private Server) instead of using Netlify or Vercel. They are unsure about the "vanilla hosting" process and whether they need to use Git to store the files and then deploy them on Coolify. The community member has encountered some issues with displaying images, but they were able to resolve it by deleting the assetsBaseUrl in the constants.mjs file.

In the comments, another community member suggests referring to the Webstudio documentation for self-hosting, but the original poster says there is no description for the "vanilla path". Another community member explains that the "vanilla path" means starting a Node.js server and that it should be added to the list alongside Netlify and Vercel.

The community members discuss the possibility of hosting the project on Coolify, which would provide a proxy and automatic deployment on Git changes. They agree that the site itself can be hosted on Coolify, but there may be issues with the image resizer functionality. The original poster mentions that they can deploy a Git repository on Coolify, but it is not working for them currently.

The community members suggest a step-by-step approach: first, learn how to deploy a "Hello

Useful resources
My Project is ready and i would like to deploy it on my vps.
How does vanilla hosting work? How is the process? Do i have to use git to store the files and then deploy it on coolify?

i really have to run it on my vps instead of netlify or vercel!

How would be the ideal path to host a dynamic website on a vps?

everything works fine on the local host, i had some issiuse with displaying the images at the beginning but i deleted the assetsBaseUrl in the constants.mjs file and my images from the cms are displayed correctly.

i use direcuts, what runs also on my coolify.
thanks, i read this many times but there is no description for going the vanilla path.
vanilla path basicall means starting a node server and that's it
I agree though we should add that onn the same list as netlify and vercel
is it not possible to host it on coolify to have proxy and everything ready? and to deploy automaticly on git changes?
the site itself - yes
no image resizer though
but with the cms functionality?
I am saying yes without trying on coolify specifically, because its just a js app
cms is nothing but api calls
i can deploy a git repository on coolify so my idea is to upload the project folder to git and deploy it on coolify but unfortiontly it is not working for me now.
go step by step, learn how to deploy a hello world node app on coolify
then learn how to start webstudio site locally and open it
then run it on coolify
thanks i will try to get it running
it works!

i had to add the server.js file, recomanded in the remix documentation and change some lines in the package.json

Add file "server.js"
Add express to package.json
"@remix-run/express": "^2.15.0",
"cross-env": "^7.0.3",
"express": "^4.21.1",
Add start command to package.json
"start": "npm run build && node server.js",
Add gitignore
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