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Updated 3 months ago

How can I make it so that the contents of an accordion closes when it is clicked?

At a glance

The post clarifies that the content itself, not the header, should be clicked to trigger an accordion. Community members discuss that this is an uncommon pattern and may create issues, such as preventing access to links within the content. The community members explore various approaches to address these challenges, including using HTML embeds, modifying accessibility attributes, and building a custom solution. The reason for this approach is to have a popup on mobile and an accordion on desktop. Ultimately, the community members conclude that starting from scratch may be the best approach, and suggest building a desktop accordion and a mobile popup, potentially using a collection/JSON to display the content.

To clarify, not when the header is clicked, but when the content itself is clicked.
This isn't a common pattern for accordions. It breaks what people are used to. What's the reason you'd want to do this?
For example: Imagine you have text with a link within that content, you've just created no way to access that link.
That is a good point, I managed to get it to work by adding an HTML embed with a event listener, but now I'm running into an issue that the accordion needs to be double clicked to expand after it's been minimized with my HTML embed, not sure why. When I have a chance I will just build the element I want from scratch rather than trying to hack the accordion
The reason is for mobile where the accordion expanding down didn't look good, so I wanted to style it to be a popup on mobile and an accordion on desktop
WIth Radix, you'd need to write JS to modify the accessiblity attributes and the open/close options. You're kinda hijacking the entire thing, it sounds like a big pain to be honest. haha
And to fix the link issue you mentioned I ended up making an x button on the mobile popup instead of the whole body being clickable to minimize
Yeah, I'm going at this wrong haha. Will start from scratch
You could build a desktop accordion and then a popup for mobile. Hide/display each on appropriate breakpoints.
You could use a collection/JSON to display these so you don't need to rewrite the content each time.
Now I feel stupid πŸ™ƒ
Great ideas! Thank you!
haha, no need to feel stupid. πŸ™‚
Appreciate the help πŸ™‚
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