There is a custom code (html) field in project settings. It will be added to <head> of every page
Thanks for your response @Bogdan .
You wanted me to add here ?
it will reflect in all pages ?
After adding and publishing the site, Google Analytics is not recognizing the tags
Your Google tag wasn't detected on ''. Try again or set up later.
Can you please guide me how to overcome this issue ?
Send a link to the website pls
your googletagmanager call is definitely firing as well as your google analytics
Do you have ad block extension? Are you using Brave? It might just be that you're blocking it so the test doesn't work on your machine
Thanks for your help team. I am using Goolge chrome browser
I am able to see the analytics now. Not Sure why test doesn't work
Also i am facing index issue with my pages
Search Console has identified that some pages on your site are not being indexed due to the following new reasons:
Blocked by robots.txt
Excluded by ‘noindex’ tag
i have the same detail, i cant add adsense and google tagmanager, the tags works but in testing dont recognize the tag manager
Do you have any ad blocker on? Are you using brave?
I’m using Kaspersky. Maybe the blocker
no i dont have blocker , i checked
can you screenshot your console?
thanks Jhon, its done, maybe dns propagation...
All the suggestions have to do with third party code. Looks like youre loading a lot of javascript
should have async attribute
check all the scripts you added to have async attribute
that's the least you can do
you have tons of analytics, to avoid it getting your perf down use an analytics aggregator that can conect to other analytics systems but uses just one script
don't use google fonts, upload the font to webstudio directly
your variable inter font is 445kb, you could bring this down to 20-30 by only keeping latin characters, google can provide you a way to get it from google, ask gpt or google how for a full tutorial
move things that don't need to be in the initial viewport below the fold and make them load lazily
have suspicion this widget is causing you a. lot of payload and slowdown
same probably for this, render a button with an icon, don't load it until user clicks on it
generally make an experiment: remove those 2 widgets and all analytics scripts and see the raw performance of your site on pagespeed