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Updated last month

How to refer to an image in the assets through 'HTML Embed'?

At a glance
Is there an URL that I can copy somewhere?
@᲼Amin, can you explain your question more. Maybe show screenshots or code snippets of what you're trying to achieve.
I have this in a HTML Embed component
But I want to use images from the assets of the website itself
So the "direct URL" to the images
Why not simply rebuild that instead of using an embed? You could then benefit from the image optimization that comes with Webstudio and handle the responsiveness more easily.

Otherwise, you'd need to write javascript to replace those items, which isn't efficient or recommended.
because it's a carrousel, and I can't get the script to work with the components
sure you can 🙂

You probably need to add the classes to the elements for it to work. Send the script and markup and I can show you how to make it.
If script doesn't take img tags, the render them as img tags and get the source with the script
I would still recommend using image component as it renders responsively
Thank you for wanting to help, I'm trying myself again and if I can't get it done, I will show it
Yes you are right, but do you know how can I add a link element for a specific page?
Plain Text
<link rel="stylesheet" href="">
With 'Client Only' turned on or off?
link itself could be server-side too but if you don't need it to be render blocking then use client only
Got it, thanks for all the help!
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