How to refer to an image in the assets through 'HTML Embed'?
How to refer to an image in the assets through 'HTML Embed'?
At a glance
The community member asked if there is a URL they can copy somewhere. The comments suggest that the community member is trying to use images from the website's assets in an HTML Embed component, but is having trouble getting the script to work with the components. The community members provide suggestions, such as rebuilding the component instead of using an embed, using the image component for responsive rendering, and adding classes to the elements for the script to work. They also discuss how to add a <link /> element for a specific page and whether to use "Client Only" mode or server-side rendering. There is no explicitly marked answer in the comments.
Why not simply rebuild that instead of using an embed? You could then benefit from the image optimization that comes with Webstudio and handle the responsiveness more easily.
Otherwise, you'd need to write javascript to replace those items, which isn't efficient or recommended.