When I use this embed with static url it works:
`<iframe src="https://s3.360creators.com/staging/wimhof/index.html#media-name=iceColdWater&yaw=141.15&pitch=3.49&fov=95.49" width="100% height="500px" style="border:none; overflow: hidden" scrolling="no" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen="true"></iframe>`
When I used embed with dynamic url it doesn't work, it shows a Webstudio logo instead of the content I'm expecting:
`<iframe src="Airtable Wim Hof.data.records[0].fields.Deeplink" width="100% height="500px" style="border:none; overflow: hidden" scrolling="no" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen="true"></iframe>`
When I fetch the same url in a text field, the text field just shows the url as expected.
So only with putting it in the iframe src is where I'm having difficulty with. Can anyone spot my mistake?