The community member is trying to add a PDF as a downloadable resource on Webstudio, but is facing issues as PDFs are greyed out in the file manager and dragging to the asset upload does not work. The community members discuss that the attachment link type should allow uploading PDFs, but it only accepts image types. They also mention that Webstudio currently does not support hosting these types of assets, and the community member would need to host the PDF elsewhere and link to it. However, the community members indicate that Webstudio is considering allowing hosting of small files, including PDFs, in the future. In the meantime, the community members suggest using a link to any URL and adding the "download" attribute to make the file downloadable.
I get your problem, you add a link type attachement and it should let you upload the resource to download but it only accept img types, so you can not upload a PDF. I think on webstudio we can upload images only (I can be wrong )
You can link a file and make it downloadable, but you have to host it somewhere else, e.g. dropbox/googledrive etc. We currently don't support these type of assets
Figured out the reason, somehow we lost the input field there, which allows you to link an external resource and we automatically would make it downloadable