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Updated 2 months ago

I Surprised My House Cleaner With a FREE...

At a glance

The post shares a YouTube video, and the comments discuss a website designed by a community member named Fedir. Another community member, John Siciliano, mentions and thanks Fedir for the website design. The comments also discuss the website's quality compared to other professional websites, the need for better digital experiences for services like booking doctors, and the potential for the website to receive a lot of traffic. Some community members suggest integrating tools like to improve booking functionality.

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This is so awesome, also props to @Fedir !
Thank you @John Siciliano for the video and mentioning me! Loved designing this website 😊
where is the link to the actual website you built btw?
still have some edits to make so didnt want to share it on YT but here it is
ah typo in the description great πŸ™‚
cleaning lady got a better website than most doctors
digital experience with doctors around the world is terrible
especially booking them
someone needs to build a template with integrated in it for all kinds of services where one can book
damn, I am not sure she can handle the amount of traffic she will get if she gets listed in some place, will have to hire a bunch of people to clean
i put a join the team page on there πŸ™‚ the scores are just incredible.
agreed on i have one on my website but need to add it to more pages
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