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Updated 2 months ago

Image assets

At a glance

The community member suggests several possible improvements to image assets, including highlighting unused images, the ability to rename image file names after upload, highlighting the image from the asset gallery in the properties panel, attaching alt content to the image asset itself, and a radio button for role="presentation" on images. The comments discuss these suggestions, with one community member noting that role="presentation" may not be necessary and that leaving the alt text as null is a simpler solution for presentational images. The community members also discuss the differences between aria-hidden and role="presentation", and the need to improve the visual display and organization of image assets in the tool.

Useful resources
Some possible improvements to the image assets:
  1. Highlighting unused images in your project to make deleting easy
  2. Ability to rename image file name once uploaded
  3. Highlighting the image from the asset gallery when you are in the properties panel (attached image)
  4. Attach the alt content to the image asset itself
  5. Radio button for role="presentation" on images (this can already be done with properties)
The request comes because I created an image gallery page with many images and then ran it through lighthouse after pushing it live. I need to improve my image performance, accessibility and SEO.
great list, we had this on our minds but no created an issue for each

except of nr 5, I am not sure this belongs to image settings, or rather properties and its already possible
I need to read up when to use role presentation vs aria-hidden
seems like if something is purely presentational it may as well be hidden from accessibility tree entirely

Here's the difference between the two:

Considering that the screenreaders shouldn't announce the image, I don't know if it would make a difference. I manage our accessibility expert at work; I'll cheat and get a detailed answer from her. πŸ™‚ I'll follow-up with the response later.
Aria hidden removes the element from accessibility tree, where role presentation only marks as presentational, though in the end I am confused when to use exactly which
I'll get a recommendation for you from our accessiblity expert.
Ability to rename image file name once uploaded

Yup, missing this one, too. It would be good if Webstudio left names of uploaded assets unmodified. Currently, WS auto-creates a long suffix (screenshot 1).

I also run into limitations, due to the Style panel width. At less than the size of a stamp it becomes hard to tell images apart, visually. And one can't see the full image name either (screenshot 1). Showing a larger version on MouseOver might be a fast to implement improvement.

Maybe you could later introduce a larger, floating panel to let us work with images. I'd personally liked a large popover best (really large, would cover the full canvas) to handle all visual assets.

File names may play a role in in image-SEO. It would at some point be good to have a view mode that lets us see their full names, ideally along with their Alt-Text (screenshots 2, 3)
@Oleg Isonen, I've got some answers from our accessiblity expert on the role="presentation" / aria-hidden for images.

The simplest way to have a presentation only image is simply to leave the alt as null. Screen readers haven't all implemented role/aria the same, yet they all skip over the image if it's a null alt value. (This isn't the case if the image is in a link).

So for my original suggested point #5, is non-relelant.

I preach "bad aria is worse than no aria", yet I just went down that rabbit hole and didn't listen to myself. πŸ˜›
empty alt tag is what we already do in case no alt was provided
Yep. Just confirming that I made an issue out of nothing.
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