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Updated 6 months ago

Inspect Element: Removing Background Warnings

At a glance
Try to remove the background warning I like testing with inspect
are you trying to use dev tools device preview in the builder?
interesting, I don't think we have ever thought about allowing preivew mode to be used in dev tools device mode
sounds like a valid use case tbh, even though we will add at some point this feature to the preview itself, so you don't have to do that
but I don't see a reason to prevent it right now
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I think its very easy to implement, so I will do it right away
Yep but you add only 4 πŸ«±πŸ»β€πŸ«²πŸΌ and using dev tools give additionally functionality
no, we are planing to have a similar device selection, including a custom naming
you shouldn't need dev tools to do that
but this alert is not needed in preview in any case
Yes πŸ™ŒπŸ» another update πŸ˜ƒ I love to have
Make a option to switch ui and naming to something like figma
πŸ€” like the user able to move the body around
Wait it's easy just give a icon for free movement of body in space
offtop, I am not sure I understand, but you need to create a separate thread if this has nothing to do with this current warning issue
Please in separate thread
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