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Updated 3 months ago

Install Tailwinds CSS

At a glance

The community members are discussing the possibility of using Tailwind CSS within a Webstudio project that is self-hosted on Vercel. They are exploring the idea of importing Webstudio-generated pages as components into a custom application, potentially using a framework like Next.js, instead of integrating the custom application directly into the Webstudio app.

The community members acknowledge that this use case has not been catered for yet, and they are trying to determine the feasibility and limitations of this approach. They are discussing potential solutions, such as finding an official way to import Webstudio page components without the framework-specific code, and exploring how to integrate Tailwind CSS into a Remix-based Webstudio project.

There is no explicitly marked answer in the comments, as the community members are still exploring and discussing the best way to achieve the desired functionality.

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Hello i would like to selfhost webstudio on vercel. Current there some page that i would like to use code base. Is it possible to use tailwinds inside this?
You want to use code on some of the pages created by Webstudio?
actually both created by me and webstudio
then implement tailwind css
actually i already install the tailwinds but it doesnt work
the case become like this because the static page created by our admin which from webstudio
then im as developer work on custom page which not using webstudio
do you want to integrate pages created by webstudio into a custom app?
I don't really fully understand what you are doing
  1. Marketing people will create the marketing pages using WebStudio
  2. For example, from homepage to
  3. Export to Vercel, and update from time to time
  4. Developer will custom develop dynamic pages in Vercel + Remix + Tailwind
  5. For example,
So both dept will work on the same domain. Doable at this stage? Design system?
I see, in this case you will probably want to import a webstudio-generated page inside your app as a component
@TrySound what do you think is still missing on our side to enable this use case?
I am guessing we need a good/official way for user to import a page component without Remix stuff in it because user can be using any framework potentially
Looks like the requirement is to develop separate routes within same remix app. I think this is doable. Not sure what tailwind requires to integrate into remix though you could write custom template with own overrides (package.json is merged with existing so might not needed), for example --template=vercel --template=./template
is it doable to use other framework instead of Remix?
btw im referring this doc to integrate tailwinds into remix
but it didnt work on Webstudio Remix Repo, im not sure css clash issue or what
I think its more about using webstudio page as a component without the framework, e.g. from next.js import webstudio page
not integrating custom app inside webstudio but importing a webstudio page inside a custom app
don't try to integrate your stuff into webstudio app
is there have any standard or guide to follow importing a webstudio into next js?
we are trying to discuss if its even possible today and what would be the limitations
I mean clearly we haven't catered to this use case yet, even though I knew we need this
the question is at the current stage how hard is it to add a support for it today
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