The post asks if the webstudio will have the ability to create multi-language websites, such as creating folders for each language or different site roots like in Typo3. A community member responds that this functionality will eventually be available, although it is not currently planned in the roadmap. They expect third-party addons to be available before it becomes a native feature. As a workaround, the community member suggests creating different paths for different languages, which should not be a problem for a small website. Another community member thanks them and asks for a link to the developer documentation to learn how to create addons.
Will webstudio have the possibility to create multi-language websites? Something like creating folders for each language or different site roots like in typo3?
This is something that's important for me to. For someone who is living in Belgium where we have 3 languages for such a small country it's most of the time a requirement when building a website.